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Cost: Members $220 for the 2 days/non-members $260, $110/$130 for 1 day

Day 1 Modern Pointed Pen

This fun intensive workshop will introduce you to the delights of modern calligraphy using a pointed pen. You will learn all the tips and tricks on how best to use a pointed dip nib with ink to create modern calligraphy script styles from which you can develop your own style – perfect for personalising cards, tags, labels and for gift giving. For over 20 years Julie has been creating her own individual modern styles for commercial clients and she will share her insights with you.

Materials List Pointed Pen

Day 2 Artist Book

You will make an artist book using a cut and fold method, and delve into lettering with an abstract leaning using word/s which will become the backbone of your book. There will be an opportunity to use modern pointed pen styles for your text, along with drawings/symbols and collage that relate to the theme of your book. We will consider how the text, images and colour should ideally all relate to each other in our overall book design. You might like to prepare by choosing a word or two you would like to use for the theme of your book, some text that relates to these words, and any colours and images/symbols that you think would suit.

Materials List Artist Book