Welcome to our library.
Use the A – Z listing below to find the title of the item you are looking for. If you notice anything you think maybe incorrect or need changing let us know using the form below. If you would like to write a review of any of the books in the library you can email it to us at [email protected].
- ABC Canada: the first Canadian collection of contemporary calligraphy
- Advanced calligraphy techniques: ideas in action
- Alphabetical Order
- Alphabet DVD
- Anatomy of Letters, The
- Applied lettering
- Arthur Baker’s Historic Calligraphic Alphabets
- Art and Craft of Hand Lettering, The
- Art and craft of paper, The
- Art of Color Calligraphy, The
- Art of illuminating: the classic Victorian treatise on illumination and lettering from ancient times to the late Renaissance
- Art of poster making, The
- Australian Manual of Calligraphy
- Basic design and layout
- Belle Lettere
- Blue and Yellow don’t make Green
- Books of Hours and their owners
- Book of Fine Paper, The
- Book of Formal Scripts, A
- Book of Kells and the Art of Illumination, The
- Book of Kells DVD, The
- Book of Sample Scripts, A
- Book + Art: Handcrafting Artists’s Books
- Brown Calligraphy: Denis Brown Discusses His Art
- Brush Calligraphy By Baker
- Brush Lettering An Instructional Manual of Western Brush Lettering
- Calendar Perpetual
- Calendar 1977
- Calendar 1977 The Year of the Ox
- Calendar 1990 Time
- Calendar 1998
- Calendar 2000 Scripsit
- Calendar 2000 Sun on Sandstone
- Calendar 2001
- Calendar 2009
- Calendar 2011
- Calligraphers dictionary
- Calligrapher’s bible 100 complete alphabets and how to draw them, The
- Calligrapher’s Calendar 1977, The
- Calligrapher’s project book, The
- Calligraphic Art DVD
- Calligraphic Flourishing A new approach
- Calligraphy and Graphic Design
- Calligraphy Art and Colour
- Calligraphy A Book of Contemporary Inspiration
- Calligraphy by Michael Gullick
- Calligraphy DVD Anne Hechle
- Calligraphy From Calligraphy to Abstract Painting
- Calligraphy Masterclass
- Calligraphy Mastering Calligraphy
- Calligraphy Modern Masters – art, inspiration and technique
- Calligraphy Sampler Roman Alphabets, The
- Calligraphy school A step by step guide to the fine art of lettering
- Calligraphy Source Book, The
- Calligraphy Stage by Stage Skills and Techniques
- Calligraphy Stroke by Stroke
- Calligraphy Studio, The
- Calligraphy Techniques
- Calligraphy Techniques and Uses
- Calligraphy techniques The essential step-by-step beginner’s guide to calligraphy
- Calligraphy the rhythm of writing
- Calligraphy Today
- Calligraphy & lettering design
- Calligraphy, The Complete Beginners Guide to
- Celebration of Calligraphy
- Celtic Art The Methods of Construction
- Celtic Calligraphy
- Celtic designs and motifs
- Celtic Hand Stroke by Stroke -An Arthur Baker Manual
- Celtic Knots, Treasury of
- Codici 1: a teacher’s notebook
- Colour Calligraphy
- Complete Calligrapher A comprehensive Guide from Basic Techniques to Inspirational Alphabets, The
- Complete guide to calligraphy techniques and materials, The
- Contemporary calligraphy: modern scribes and lettering artists II
- Cover to cover creative techniques for making beautiful books, journals and albums
- Craft of calligraphy, The
- Craft of Lettering, The
- Creating letterforms
- Creative Calligraphy
- Creative Lettering
- Creative Lettering Drawing and Design
- Creative Lettering Today
- Encyclopedia of Calligraphic Techniques. The
- Enrich your calligraphy
- Exhibition Catalogue Writer’s Reign 2011
- Exhibition Catalogue – Flow
- Exhibition Catalogue – Il Santo
- Exhibition Catalogue – Le Geste fait Signe
- Exhibition Catalogue – Living letters. Fellows and Associates of the Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society
- Exhibition Catalogue – The spirit of the Pen: Australia 2000
- Exhibition Catalogue – 25th Anniversary
- Experimenting with Calligraphy
- Expressive Handmade Books
- Findings in the calligraphic work and teachings of Irene Wellington 1904-1984
- Fine words – fine books: masterworks of modern calligraphy and bookbinding
- First Writing Book Arrighi’s Operina, The
- Folded Pen Adventures
- Formal Brush Writing
- Formal Penmanship and other papers
- Foundations of calligraphy
- Four Seasons: a birthday book, The
- From the Church to the Circus
- Hand-made books: an introduction to bookbinding
- Historical Scripts A Handbook for Calligraphers
- Historical scripts: from classical times to the Renaissance
- Historical Source Book for Scribes, The
- History of Calligraphy, A
- History of illuminated manuscripts, A
- History of Lettering, A
- History of Writing, A
- How to draw Celtic knotwork: a practical handbook
- Illuminated alphabet, The by Billingsley
- Illuminated Alphabet: An Inspirational Intro…., The by Noad
- Illuminated Lettering: A beginners Guide by Lynsky
- Illuminating the word: the making of the Saint John’s Bible
- Illuminating Wisdom:Words of Wisdom,Works of Art
- Illumination Choir Book Minatures for Siena Cathedral
- Illumination for calligraphy by Mehigan
- Making Handmade Books 100+
- Making your own marbled and decorated papers
- Maria Island Diary
- Mastering calligraphy A complete guide
- Mastering The Art of Calligraphy
- Medieval Calligraphy It’s History and Technique
- Messiah
- Modern scribes and lettering artists
- More than fine writing: Irene Wellington
- Mystic Art of Written Form, The
- Painted paper techniques and projects for handmade books and cards
- Painted Word: inspirational calligraphy, The
- Painting for Calligraphers
- Pen lettering
- Pen’s Excellencie: a pictorial history of Western calligraphy, The
- Practical calligraphy by John and Fleuss
- Practical Calligraphy 15 Techniques, 24 Practice Exercises and 12 Alphabets
- Practical calligraphy: techniques and materials
- Practical Guide to Calligraphy, The
- Practical Guide to Lettering and Applied Calligraphy, The
- Scribe A scribes notebook
- Script lettering for artists
- Sixty alphabets
- Speedball Textbook 18th Edition
- Speedball Textbook 20th Edition
- Speedball Textbook 21st Edition
- Speedball Textbook 22nd Edition
- Speedball Textbook 23rd Edition
- Step by Step Creative Calligraphy by Smith
- Step-By-Step Calligraphy: A Complete Guide with Creative Projects
- Story of writing, The
- Teach yourself Calligraphy
- Technique of copperplate calligraphy: a manual and model book of the pointed pen method, The
- Thoughtful gestures: the calligraphic art of Yves Leterme
- Three Classics of Italian Calligraphy: Arrighi, Tagliente, Palatino
- time for apples, A
- Timothy C Eli 8 Books
- Tools and materials for calligraphy, illumination and miniature painting
- Traditional Penmanship
- Wordsmanship DVD
- Words of Risk
- Words Work
- Workshop Notes Brush lettering by Rohrs
- Workshop Notes Celtic Calligraphy and Decoration by Farmer
- Workshop Notes Contemp. Callig. and Menhart Otherworldly Earthiness
- Workshop Notes Copperplate by Yalllop
- Workshop Notes Creating Calligraphy by Farmer
- Workshop Notes Introduction to Calligraphy by Farmer
- Workshop Notes Italic and Variations by Haanes
- Workshop Notes Italic Rhythm to Polyrhythm by Brown
- Workshop Notes Julian Waters
- Workshop Notes Pentel Point Brush
- Workshop Notes Personalized Roman Caps by Larcher
- Workshop Notes Ruling Pen
- World Encyclopedia of Calligraphy, The
- Writing and Scripts, The British Library guide to
- Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
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