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Please note change to the date and venue.

Travel time from Hobart to Ross is 1 hr 35 mins, from Launceston to Ross is 1 hr 5 mins. Please check the current travel time before departure. There are ongoing highway roadworks which may affect drive times.

This excursion will be a self-guided journalling day. There is a lot of tantalising subject matter to sketch in Ross. We’ll meet at the Ross Town Hall Supper Room at 10am and exchange some ideas over morning tea. Then we’ll go out to sketch and photograph. Come back to the hall around 12 for a quick lunch and spend the rest of the afternoon working on our sketches in the hall. Di and Olive will be on hand for support. 

Di has shared the following information to help your prepare for the workshop over the next few months.

Journalling Jaunt Preparation Ideas

Jaunt Materials List










